How to Redefine Your Purpose After Retirement passion purpose retirement Oct 14, 2024


Retirement is often seen as the ultimate reward for decades of hard work, a time to relax, travel, and pursue hobbies. However, many retirees quickly discover that the absence of a career can leave them feeling unanchored. Without the daily routine and sense of purpose that work...

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Unused talent vs. rare satisfaction .... humm? baby boomers behavioral scientist bored confidence courage empowerment essence explore fulfillment identity inner spark invisible mental strength possibilities potential regrets residual energy retiree retirement retirement coach satisfaction unstuck values vitality Dec 15, 2022

Something moved in my GUT! I’d just put on a uniquely beautiful set of rings and whoa, they’d made a physical impact on me! WHAT!?? I repeated the process to verify what happened. Confirmed! I walked away bewildered; what happened? 

Walking on the college campus to pick up (?)...

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How to Overcome Loneliness in Retirement - podcast with Kim baby boomers contentment courage dream essence happiness invisible loneliness passion purpose resilience retirees retirement satisfaction uniqueness Aug 17, 2022

I was honored and pleased to be a guest on Kim TALKS podcast recently to speak on resilience.

Here's the podcast:

Do you ever feel like you're chasing happiness, but you just can't seem to catch...

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Feeling Invisible in Retirement boomers courage empowerment essence identity intention invisible lost matter meaning purpose retired retirement retirement coach Jul 26, 2022

The transition into retirement often holds several momentous “aha’s. One is when you realize you no longer have a reason to get out of bed! Another is who do you socialize with during the day, when your colleagues are all at work? Here’s a tough one: how to you know if your day...

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